
Letter to my Daughter — Bromom

My Dear Daughter,I am the luckiest mom in the world. God gave me you to be my little girl. There isn’t anything on this earth that is better than that! You are a spectacular gift from the heavens, and I thank my lucky stars every day that I get to be your mom.Dollface, I know […]

Letter to my Daughter — Bromom


My little sister and I have not always had the closest or best relationship. It’s had many ups and downs but then again what sibling relationship isn’t filled with a roller coaster history, right?

I won’t try to tell you that I am the picturesque older sister, or that she looks up to me in any way, well, aside from physically, because I am the only one of us to get any height!

Aside from that however, anyone would assume that she is the older sister. She is definitely the more responsible one. She pays her bills on time, goes to her appointments as scheduled, has playmates for her kids, does the Girk Scout Leader thing, makes sure her kids are in sports, the whole nine yards. And in our family she is the glue that wholds our family together. She plans and hosts all holiday gatherings, reaches out to cousins and their offspring inviting them to be a part of our family too, taking pictures and documenting it all on social media.

Although it makes me sick how on top of everything she is all the time, I will admit part of that is jealousy, but the bigger part admires her for it. I’m proud of her! She is a single mom of 4 children and owner of an amazing 3 story corner lot house. There is a lot of activity in that house all the time.

Thru all of her and I ups and downs, I have always done what I can to be there for the kids. Even if her and I aren’t speaking. I spent quite a bit of time in her home, living there off and on while the younger ones were just little babies, and they quickly became as close as my own children. I also do my best to help with some guidance and perspective viewpoints when it comes to Parenting as she is definately far more structured and strict than I am or was, so I do what I can to try to get her to be a bit more lienent sometimes, and when she won’t I do my best as ‘Cool Auntie’ to soften the final Mom Judgement in a way that the defiant teenager can find a way to accept what her mom ruled. A sort of peace keeper so to speak. And lots and lots of outrageous over the top Auntie Angie moments that they will remember forever with big smiles and giggles! And THAT is why I love my spot here in this family!

So this year, as an early Christmas gift from the universe, my sister told me about their latest visit to the ER. And of course it was with the youngest, Myra May. She seems to end up at the Dr. Banged up and injured the most frequent of her children, which I guess is probably to be expected as the youngest of 4, and she does what it takes to run along and keep up with her siblings so as not to be left behind. A little firecracker with all the spark and energy her small little body can contain!

The night before we were to get together to celebrate Christmas, she and Myra were once again in the ER. My niece fell off her bed and had her first siezure. At the hospital they found a white spot on her brainscan and we are now waiting for her to have an MRI done so they can figure out why she had a siezure and what the white spot is and what that means for Myra.

Well MERRY F ING CHRISTMAS HU?! I must say, there isn’t anything I can think of that puts my little sister on the naughty list to deserve that gift and I demand a redo immediately! How scary for her and my little 2 year old niece!

So you see now why I strayed from my typical stories of my children, and ventured into my sister and her bunch. Well for a few reasons. I am proud of her and her kids, there’s always so much going on in that house, but also, right now especially, with this news and the nervousness of not knowing, until more tests are done, please keep Miss Myra May and my little sister, Stephanie, in your prayers. Send them positive thoughts and vibes! They sure do need them right now!!!

Have a Happy, Safe Holiday!! Xoxo

Worried Auntie Angie

18 is NOT the Finish Line

Years ago when I decided that I wanted, more than anything, to become a mother I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. That can, and in fact is a wide array of good, bad and everything between.

What the heck are you trying to get at you may ask. Well for starters, before actually joining that box we label PARENT, and for a large portion of my time since eagerly jumping into that glamorous box I had thought and often times even used wording similar to having x number of “years left” or until completion in reference to my Patenting duties/role.

Looking at that way of thinking now, I wonder if I would have laughed, denied, accepted, or disbelieved what I know now, had it been made known to me way back when. More than likely I would have laughed and dismissed the information thinking there is no way I am not already correct. In reality I know that I would not have had the capability of truly comprehending how far from right I was all those years ago.

As the years ticked down I have progressively expanded the horizon of my thinking as well as what I believe and feel to be true and suspect that even my current beliefs will still be evolving, changing, and reshaping from what they currently look like in this moment.

Now I know and have a hard time understanding how I could be so ignorant that I didn’t see that 18 is not only NOT the finish line, the marker of completing my position as Parent, but in fact actually is merely the level up, if you will, in skill and difficulty in regards to what will be asked of you in your Patent role upon crossing that 18 year mark.

Remember those days, when the kids were young, you were always tired, couldn’t remember the sound of a quiet environment or one in which the children weren’t arguing over something? Or even those days that your biggest challenge might be a skinned knee requiring a bandage, a hug, and some positive words of encouragement to fix the problem then bam, instant reward, you are flooded with feelings of accomplished content, pride, knowing that you did good and that you successfully eliminated what threatened your child’s happiness in life. Good job Mom or Dad! Gold star for you!

Looking back at those situations that once were dreaded and possibly even terrifying to think of or imagine going thru, even those that caused us quite a bit of headache and tension you can almost laugh at after leveling up and suddenly having a narcissistic boyfriend slowly destroying the magic that is your daughters very being. To find a way to keep as little of that magical essence from spilling out of the most Incredible creation on this planet, and in such a way that ensures you won’t end up pushing her away and closer to the monster you are trying to save her from to begin with….those tumbles off her bicycle did NOTHING to prepare you for what lies ahead. And if that is not enough let’s add distance I to the equation while we are at it. Oh, and go ahead and throw in some of that young ‘I know everything’ headstrong attitude and let’s not forget a healthy serving of ‘first love’ to the mix, I mean why not jump feet first into the deep end of difficulty skill set just seconds into that once glorified ‘completion’ marking point?!

As far as I’m concerned there is nothing that could ever prepare you for rhe agony of listening to your baby cry, believing the nasty things that monster managed to get her head to believe of herself. All of which are so far from what and who she actually IS and there is nothing you can say in that moment that she will believe, or that will make her feel any better about it, because she doesn’t see what is clear from your viewpoint. She is too consumed in what you know is only just the beginning of an avalanch sized event and the onlyy casualty is that wich you consider your most incredible creation.

Although listening to her heartbreaking sobs over the phone and shedding tears right along with her from miles apart IS worthy of those gold stars of success and accomplishment, it holds absolutely none of the proud, confident, feelings of satisfaction that you helped or fixed anything. In fact you are left feeling like a failure and perhaps even start developing a few murderous thoughts or at the very least definitely fantasize a few thoughts of violence on the horrible monster disguised as the one your precious gift fell in love with and is now casually destroying that which you cherish the most in this life.

Then, if you are on the side of luck, or perhaps, following suit with my comparisons here, should you happen to complete that level, you may even find that you have been awarded a bonus level and that level is a gift that no doubt keeps on giving, perhaps you get the pleasure of Parenting a child, who although is nearly to that Adult Era will always be looked at in your eyes as ‘my baby’ however you have realized that child or adult it does not make a bit of difference to the ones that created and raised that amazing creature, you must experience and forge a way thru a traumatic, life changing accident. If you have experienced this, I must tell you, your doing great and keep on pushing thru with strength and know that it is NOT easy for any of us and it is most definitely worth every ounce of struggle to be the one standing behind a child who now has to learn how to live life without the use of limbs that had always worked and should still be working more than ok however by some cruel turn happened to be ripped away from them far too early and usually not kindly. This path comes with endless ups and downs for everyone involved and not all of them happen gracefully.

It was within this particularly challenging time that I discovered to this day the most heart wrenching, agonizing, moments of fear. You see, it is within the healing, transforming phase of trauma in which you are truly shown what your offspring is made of. You find out how affective your years of teaching, coaching, and molding have woven your mini me into their very own being. This is the ultimate stand back and have a look at your life’s masterpiece center stage. It’s not something you can rush, or choose the final outcome, or decide when it’s face will surface to the top even and it will rip you apart with anxiety.

Hold your heads up high, breath in and out, release all that nervous anxiety and worry and smile big and proud dear PARENT! Not only have you created an incredible, unique masterpiece, that perfectly molded exhibit of your very existence will surpass every single thing that worried you so much, and with ease that will make you feel silly that you ever even had a second thought about it and you can guarantee that will only be scratching the surface.

It was within this process that I have been humbled and found the chip that sits on my egos shoulder all within the same reasons. Now I am certain that should this be the one thing in my life I do not mess up, I can very happily accept that. I’m not even half the mother she deserves, she astounds me every single day and I wonder what I did to be lucky enough to have this gift in my life. Who calls me mom, looks up to me, believes in me, has undying faith in me, and will always be what I hope that I always will be to her, a rock of endless encouragement, support, and love no matter what.

Done? Completed my time, crossed the finish line? Not until my heart stops beating and even then my love will be as strong for all eternity. Xoxo my Reasons for breathing! I love you both!

My Best Friend

When I had my daughter I never would have imagined then that this small angel would turn out to be my best friend. She is everything I could ever dream of asking for and much much more.

This girl has watched me struggle, cry, laugh, break, and come up out of the depths of despair and if she only knew that she is the reason I am still alive and breathing today she could use that to her advantage in anything. She wouldn’t, and that is part of what makes her so amazing and wonderful beyond words.

Everything that she has watched me go thru and most of it alone is not enough explanation for why she is so completely loyal, trusting, and devoted to me. I can’t explain exactly why that is or what it stems from but I know that is the only thing that holds me here sometimes is her undying faith and loyalty. Her absolute trust and belief in me even when I do not deserve it and I don’t believe in myself. She does She always does. And it never waivers.

That is why I feel like I need to do or say something before her next surgery so that she knows how important she is to me and how much I believe in her and am there for her just as she always has been for me.

This small but fierce firecracker is as strong as they get, but what has been aced on her shoulders is more than one person should ever have to carry alone in a lifetime and hers has only just begun. There should be an award or a holiday named after her with the grace and maturity she holds it all in and handles herself so impressively well. Only a few will ever catch the shadows that dance at the edges of her bright shining eyes and it makes me proud but lately it makes my heart hurt. For her. I raised a warrior and I knew that was what I aimed for but this one is by far the strongest, mist skilled earlier of all time.

I just hope that all the times I’ve managed to get in some real serious conversation that she truly hears me when I tell her she is not alone and does not need to carry this all herself and she doesn’t just shrug it off as just mom worrying about her.

I may have gotten it wrong when I thought I was training to be Wonder woman in the apocalypse. I’m pretty sure I am raising the girl who will become Wonder woman in the apocalypse. In my eyes however, she will ALWAYS be my little girl.

Needing Advice

I love the gift I have been given in life as Skyler and Hailey’s mom. Honestly, I can’t think of anything else I would trade this experience for. They are made for me just as I am made for them. They give me far more in life than I could ever attempt to give them. The crazy way that they do or say just the right thing at just the right moment without even knowing that they just restored something inside of me that was close to losing in an internal battle within myself. There is no other way to describe it aside from the miracle it truly is.

Watching these amazing creations of mine grow from the adorable little baby they once were not that long ago it seems to the almost adult individuals ready to venture out into the world on their own is scary and exciting and proud all at the same time.

So much of the time I have absolutely no idea what II am doing and worry that I am messing it up or making some crucial mistake, but I know that there is nothing else I would rather be doing and that nobody on this earth could ever love them or raise them the way that I do.

I realize that this is a fairly normal feeling that most parents have within them that almost seems to be a core pillar in the foundation of the gift of creating and raising miniature living, breathing, unique individuals that literally are made from pieces of you. It is the most humbling, gratifying, and amazing experience you can not compare to anything else.

The other side of that however is the part that provides us the appreciation for the good times and the ability to choose our actions and remain strong in our faith that we will be ok and that everything will work out. Maybe not the way we want or the way we had hoped, but everything always has a way of coming together exactly the way they were supposed to and we just have to readjust ourselves to follow suit.

All that said, I will be completely honest here and admit that my daughter’s accident on June 30th, 2022 changed the core of her soul and existence and mine as well. It rocked every part of everything we knew and believed in and neither one of us have been able to find any sense of knowing or believing in the goodness of anything since that day.

I can see the shadows that she tries so hard to hide in her eyes that linger right there at the edges and I am terrified that in her attempts at hiding them from me and pretending to be ok it will actually be the thing that destroys her and I can’t even imagine what that would entail for her after that happens.

I understand that this is the moment of truth right here and that this is the very thing that will show my babygirl’s character as a result. I also realize that in the process of being shaped into a pearl that grain of sand has to go thru quite a bit of pressure and unfamiliar pain and unknown that I assume can be lonely and scary and that within those emotions there is also anger, rebellion, terror, fear, and an entire tornado of emotions that are swirling within fighting to survive. It kills me to have to watch her struggle and be unable to take this from her. It s unbearable not knowing what to do or say that will bring her relief and return even a hint of sunshine back into her beautiful eyes.

I ask every single one of those out there reading this to please take a few minutes before moving on with your day and send me just a few words of wisdom, hope or advise for my Babyboo and for me, to help us get thru this difficult phase of our life. We need to hear options for coping skills and survival tequniques that might help us thru this trauma.

My baby might not ever regain the use of her right arm and nearly 6 months after the accident, a team of surgeons are still puzzled as to how they are going to fix my baby’s arm. I refuse to allow them to amputate without exhausting all possible fixes first. She will not be lost as one more case that is pushed along their desk. And above all, regardless of the outcome need her to find a way back into the sunshine and be my baby girl once again with or without her arm. But should that spark of her that is the source of her magic and the fuel that keeps my heart beating be smothered with the weight and burden of this tragedy, Boo and I will not survive. Please help us find the skills we need to win this battle like the warriors I know we can be. Thank you in advance!

Changing the Angle

I have felt compelled to write for a very long time to share with the world the amazing gift that I have been given, the unique bond and relationship, and the purpose of my existence on this planet. I have had an overwhelming desire to share stories and moments within that journey as the window towards opening up the viewers eyes to an alternative viewpoint that twists the boundaries of parent and friend and blurs the confines of what we have been taught to accept and stay within the suffocating boundaries of such generic boxes that we loose the most important parts, the MAGIC that we have been lucky enough to experience and be entrusted, the task of not only raising but molding those living breathing miracles into greatness. We are literally creating our future. Within a mother’s body she creates a spark of the future and it is our responsibility to instill within that creation the undoubted confidence and ability that will ignite the flames that light the way to the change that will make a brighter future for their generation and generations to follow in their blazing trail of success. I believe more than anything in this world that in order to do this we must take away the lines and boarders previously set for us defining good and evil, right and wrong, good and evil.

When we do not place judgement or attempt to confine within labels and boxes, and instead encourage and support individuals as they are for the unique abilities and characteristics they posses without shame nor guilt it is amazing to watch the way the child thrives and grows in happiness and confidence, positivity, acceptance, pure and whole.

These children are less likely to destroy others and will have a more positive outlook and be more productive within their own lives, better able to focus clearly on a productive path towards their purpose in their journey thru life, and will create less damage in the world. Imagine this one generation at a time, how amazing the future could truly be. Indeed we are creating our future!

Quite simply: LOVE. Love can quite literally heal the world from the inside out. Imagine how much more productive people could be if they weren’t so busy trying to heal from the things that broke them in their childhood and could fully invest their efforts and energy into the things that we do to keep society moving the way that we have created it into. Or even better, just imagine how much more fulfilling we could reshape the world we live into a more rewarding, meaningful, and wholesome place.

I believe that it is possible. I believe that we can all make this happen and very much hope that WILL happen. Maybe not in my lifetime, but day by day, one change at a time, one person at a time, we can get there one day. As I mentioned earlier: we are literally creating our future. Every choice you make as a parent, every time you change a toxic choice into a healthy choice you are changing the future. It’s the ripple of water in a pond. The snowball affect.

It has been my belief that my little girl, not quite so little anymore, is going to change the world in a profound way. I believe that she is destined to be a big part of the start of revolutionizing the world into a completely different way of living.

A Parents’ Nightmare

If you have ever read my previous posts you would remember my daughter and I have a very close bond unlike any other. I believe it is more than just parent child bonding as I also have a son whom I love more than life itself, however his sister and I are just closer and its not exactly describable.

Earlier this summer I got a message from my daughters boyfriend asking me to call immediately it was an emergency.

My heart dropped and I immediately called and was told that my baby was in an accident on a side by side and that she was being airlifted to the hospital. My babygirl was hurt! I immediately called for a ride as I don’t drive. The wait seemed to take a lifetime as I stood in the front yard of the building I lived in, waiting for my friend to arrive.

On the way there I got a call from the officer in charge of the incident and he told me there were already a bunch of people surrounding my babygirl and he didn’t get a close up look but from what he could see she was missing a fist size chunk of her arm. My firecracker of a little girl is the size of Thumbelina. I FIST SIZE chunk is like her entire upper arm.

Shortly after the call ended I got another call from the doctor who was in charge of examining my baby.He said there was a lot of packed dirt in her wounds that needed to be washed out and do they have permission to do so? And can they start now or should they wait for me to get there? Yes put her out and don’t wait for my arrival. Please help my baby immediately.

It seemed like forever before I got to see my baby and when I did it was horrifying to see her arm covered in dressinngs that were all bright red and seeing the smeers of blood on her sheets, just hearing her cies was heartwrenching.

We spent the next 2 weeks in the hospital. The date when my daughters life was forever altered was June29, my baby had her 17th birthday in the hospital. I have spent countless hours agonizing over the possible future she has lost because her ability to do anything has changed drastically. The first few weeks after the accident I could think of nothing else except what every second must have been like for her.

My question is to those parents who have been thru ordeals such as this, how do you stay positive for your child? How do you process this change and be able to find positivity in something so terrible and life changing? Can you offer any advice for her as well as myself? Please help us thru this.

Where does she get this stuff?!!

Just a little information before reading these screenshots. I got this big blue stuffed animal a few years ago as a gift for Valentine’s Day for my daughter. Previous to her sending these pictures the stuffie had been wearing a blue one-piece bathing suit of hers for about a year and it was kind of a running joke for a bit in our house. Also my daughter seems to have gotten her sense of humor from her mother(thank goodness) so of course she is always insanely entertaining and again like her mother over the top exagerations and hand gestures..

Now you may proceed to the screenshots. I hope you find them as entertaining as I did. She is most definitely one of my favorite people to have texting conversations with as it almost always has sparks of her imagination and personality bursting thru words almost in vocals and in my ears I often do hear her voice as I read the messages that she sends to me.

Not my Lil girl any longer

Isn't it crazy how one minute you are fantasizing about the day your child is finally of age and no longer your responsibility, then in the blink of an eye, there you are at the entrance of their step into adulthood?
If only we knew back then that just because they are no longer our responsibility does not keep us from the worry and pain and concern for them in the situations they may be going thru in their life.
For me, I wish I'd have known back then that it does not get easier as they grow older. Instead, it is much more difficult as a parent. In my experience, it is the most heart-wrenching agony I have ever experienced in my life, and I have been thru quite a bit of trial and tribulations.
My baby girl, my mini-me, my best friend, is 16 and seriously the most incredible person I have ever met in my entire life. She is funny, witty, thoughtful, wise beyond her years, and has an understanding of life and rough situations that astounds me.
Perhaps that is why I find it so difficult to bear when she comes to me crying. I can't stand being unable to fix what is hurting her and can not take that pain away for her.
I nearly came unglued the day she called me. Hearing her sobs, listening to her explain how she feels like she never does the right thing and always messes things up, and that my baby girl feels like she is nothing.
HOW can someone so positive and strong for every single person she has ever come in contact with, someone whose hugs can make you feel like your broken pieces are being put back together ever for even a second, think that they are nothing or that they always mess things up?!
I cried with her for 2 hours on the phone that day and sporadically the entire remainder of that day. Just knowing my Lil girl was hurting and I could do nothing to take it away or make it better for her was torture, unlike anything I had ever experienced before this. 
So that settles it, Babygirl will NOT be growing up after all. I refuse to sign the consent for her journey to adulthood. She will return to that 5-year-old girl with missing teeth and pig-tailed braids that comes running into Mom's lap with tears streaming down her face after falling off her bike and scraping her knee. I will bandage her wound while cuddling the small child she was back then until my baby girl is smiling and all is right with the world. She then goes running off to discover her next adventure. Mom fixed it!
If I had known how hard it is when I'm unable to do anything to take away her pain or fix what hurts her when she is no longer my responsibility, I would have cherished those days more than I did. I would not have fantasied those days away as I had.
I don't know about anyone else, but for me, maybe because they grew inside my body and were part of me, their pain will forever be my pain no matter how old they get. They will always be my baby. I will always want to protect them from getting hurt long after they are no longer my responsibility.


There truly is a special bond between parent and child that nothing in this life can even come close to comparison. The magic of this bond can be the most fulfilling experience of your life and the most rewarding. Through all the highs and lows, the frustration, laughter, tears, annoyance, and proud moments we get thru to the best of our ability, and when they are ready to move on and start their adult life, we parents will wonder where the time went and so fast.
We all do our very best at raising these small little bundles of joy. Recently I realized that my mind separates the child I created and keeps her in a separate category from any other human individual deserving of the same respect and consideration we would give to a close friend, coworker, or teacher. I am willing to bet that some of you may also think like this. We inadvertently end up robbing them of their right to have a bad day, be grumpy, express their feelings and thoughts, and be free to grow into their unique personality that should be embraced and accepted for who they are, not who we want them to be.
How many of us remember back in our childhood and how our parents disagreed with our life choices. How many of us have views and beliefs that our parents don’t always agree with us? How many of us have parents we do not speak to as a result of these things? Do you want it for your child? Do you want that rift between you and the single most rewarding experience of your life? Do you want to regret your parenting choices till you are on your deathbed?
Let’s break that cycle. No more dysfunction breeds dysfunction. We all can choose to be better. Make better decisions. It starts one choice at a time. Let’s raise happy, healthy individuals that don’t spend the majority of their adult lives trying to repair or survive with emotional scars and wounds that nobody can find a way to cure. Let’s change the world one miracle at a time.